The Principles give you
The training gives you
The path gives you
WU DE 武德
謙 Humility
敬 Respect
忠 Loyalty

智 Wisdom
仁 Compassion
勇 Courage
和 Harmony
恆 Perserverance
武馆 Wǔ guǎn

Our Methods

We avoid a closed environment where the instructor is beyond contestation. The student should never be forever in servitude. We train students to be teachers. We expect teachers to be peers. All with the goal of learning from one another.
Often schools choose convenience over efficacy by mixing youth & adults together or teaching children simpler forms. We maintain style integrity by keeping adult classes 18+ & teaching youth students the same forms/techniques. This allows adults to train at a higher intensity level & sets high expectations on our youth martial artists.
The art functions on conceptual principles. It is not a series of techniques & preordained patterns. It is a system of movement designed to be adjusted to the benefit of each students advantage. The principles eventually help guide your learning through self exploration.
For students in our adult classes we structure our programs to stress the importance of One-to-One instruction. This allows the student who consistently trains to learn faster & with more depth of understanding than group classes alone.